The Hoedown for the Barn was a success! Good friends came together and new friendships were made. The fire, the horses, the line dancers, the chili, the wine, the venue, the music—everything was wonderful. We want to again thank our partners Cascade Community Theatre and Duvall Performing Arts for joining with us in this event. Also we want to thank the following businesses that contributed to the event:
- Stephanie Combs Photography
- Willows Lodge
- Papa Murphy’s
- Sway Design
- Duvall Hardware
- Bird Brainz
- Duvall Tavern
- Cascade Community Theatre
- Duvall Pharmacy
- Duvall Flowers and Gifts
- Quiznos
- Ixtapa
- Thai Duvall
- Best Buddy Dog Wash
- Red Pepper Pizza
- Rocking “E” Feeds
- Red Swirl Yogurt
- Duvall Coffee House
- Triple Horn Brewing
- Special thanks to Christel Haven Equestrian Center for the beautiful location for our barn dance.
The music by Sweet Iron was outstanding and perfect for the Hoedown. The line dancers from Duvall Performing Arts were very skilled, entertaining and helpful. Thank you to all who came and all who helped make this event possible. About 60 people attended and the event generated over $2,000! Most importantly everyone had a great time and we are getting a great group of people focused and working together again for the creation of a wonderful community space.
At the Saturday (October 25) meeting the Vision Statement for the Barn was updated and a Statement for Development of the Barn was created. Here they are:
Vision for the Barn:
Develop a sustainable center for the advancement of the arts. The center will serve as a community gathering place for all age groups and cultivate the ongoing development of the artistic center of our community, and provide a place for public entertainment, cultural events, and other community activities. The barn will be a living link to our history and agriculture. It will also serve as an economic and cultural stimulant for Duvall and the Snoqualmie Valley.
Statement for Development of the Barn:
The Duvall Foundation for the Arts will partner with Westcott Homes, the City of Duvall, and other key stakeholders to develop the center. Some of the design criteria are creation of a rural feeling around the barn, open loft space with wood acoustics inside the barn, and use of existing materials to the extent practical. Space design considerations are for the art events and performance activities as well as for other community events that are envisioned. In addition, design elements will support revenue-generating events. During development of the barn, safety, cost, code compliance, and schedule will also be drivers.
Work continues on our upcoming Cowbell Event.
A future Hoedown for the Barn is in the works.
The GoFundMe Page is active and has almost $500 donated to date!
Next Saturday we will be working on a Strategic Plan for the barn. We continue to encourage public input and participation. The Saturday meetings are held at the Duvall Visitor and Centennial Center from 11am until 2pm.
Thanks to all for your continued interest in and support of the barn.